March 21, 2011

eBulletin March 21

New eBulletin has been posted!

March 16, 2011

CEERES Friends: Department of Anthropology

Department of Anthropology

The Department of Anthropology at the University of Chicago has a long and proud tradition of scholarly excellence and leadership in the discipline. This is, perhaps, an even more exciting time than usual because they have just made substantial additions of excellent young anthropologists to our faculty. They are intent on maintaining the traditional foci of the Department while developing emerging centers of theoretical interest in the discipline and beyond. Some of the areas that are currently enjoying particular attention by faculty and students in archaeology as well as linguistic and sociocultural anthropology include: semiotic approaches to culture, postcoloniality, human rights and indigenous rights, globalization, critiques of neoliberalism, the politics of gender and sexuality, the analysis of place and space, and the anthropological study of science. Each of these research areas is enhanced by the Department's longstanding commitment to training students in the history and foundations of social and cultural theory. The encouragement of free-ranging discussions with fellow students and small, hands-on research seminars and workshops contributes to the excellent training of Anthropology students.

A list of workshops affiliated with the Department of Anthropology

Anthropology of Europe Workshop is frequently visited by experts on the CEERES regio.

Sign up for news and announcements on the following listserv: anthropology graduate students

March 15, 2011

CEERES eBulletin: March 15

A list of events, resources, and conference has been updated on our eBulletin.
See the March 15th version here.

March 14, 2011

CEERES Friends: Department of Linguistics

Department of Linguistics

Founded in the mid-1930's, the Department of Linguistics at the University of Chicago is the oldest linguistics department in the United States. It is theory-oriented with a deep empirical interest in languages. One of its outstanding characteristics is its commitment to a wide range of approaches to the study of language. Interdisciplinary, interdepartmental study is encouraged, and students regularly work with faculty in several other departments. Students are expected to become active researchers as soon as possible after their arrival here. Many students come with strong undergraduate training in linguistics, or with a Master's degree; others come with strong training in fields such as philosophy, mathematics, or a particular language or language group. The faculty are involved in synchronic and diachronic research on languages from around the world. These varied interests are reflected in the topics of the dissertations that have been written in the Department. The undergraduate program in linguistics is designed to provide a solid, integrated introduction to the scientific study of language through coursework in the core subdisciplines of linguistics, as well as to ensure that the student has a language background sufficient to provide a complement to the theoretical parts of the program and for an understanding of the complexities of human language. This program provides students with a general expertise in the field and prepares them for productive advanced study in linguistics.

Check out events happening at the Department of Linguistics.
Related workshops.
And a Blog in LINGuistics -- BLING.

March 13, 2011

CEERES Friends: Department of Slavic Languages and Literature

Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

This department advances research and provides instruction in the Slavic languages and literatures. The department offers a diverse array of courses in language, linguistics, and literature. Undergraduates may earn degrees with any of the following concentrations: Russian Language and Literature, Russian Linguistics, West Slavic Language & Literature, or Interdisciplinary Studies. Graduate concentrations include Russian Literature, Slavic Linguistics and Languages, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Polish and Czech Studies. The department also offers a joint B.A./M.A. degree in Slavic Languages and Literatures, strongly encourages their students to engage in study abroad opportunities, and sponsors a variety of guest lectures, seminars, and workshops throughout the year.

Check out events happening at the Slavic Department.

Sign up for announcements: slavic department, slavic talks, slavic undergraduates, russian language event.